Vinesh Phogat’s uncle, Mahavir Phogat, has accused former Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Hooda of playing a “political stunt” after Hooda suggested that Vinesh Phogat should be nominated to the Rajya Sabha. Mahavir Phogat questioned why Hooda did not extend the same support to Geeta Phogat during his tenure as Chief Minister.

“This is a political stunt. Today, Bhupinder Hooda said that Vinesh should be sent (to the Rajya Sabha), but why was Geeta Phogat not sent to the Rajya Sabha during his government?” Mahavir Phogat asked. He highlighted the achievements of Geeta and Babita Phogat, noting that Geeta won gold at the Commonwealth Games in 2010, becoming the first Indian woman wrestler to do so, and also qualified for the Olympics in 2012.

Mahavir Phogat also alleged discrimination during Hooda’s government, stating, “Geeta and Babita were to be made DSPs, but Hooda sahab discriminated and made Geeta an inspector and Babita a sub-inspector. We filed a case, and the matter was resolved through the court.”

The remarks bring to light past grievances and suggest that Hooda’s recent statement may be politically motivated, according to Mahavir Phogat.