In response to a recent firing incident at Badlapur railway station, where a man opened fire on two individuals, Leader of the Opposition (LoP) in the Maharashtra Assembly, Vijay Wadettiwar, raised concerns over the deteriorating law and order situation in the state. Wadettiwar criticized Home Minister Devendra Fadnavis, accusing him of being more focused on political matters than addressing rising crime.

Wadettiwar stated, “In the last six months, Maharashtra has reported 242 incidents of street crimes where people were stabbed, strangled, run over, or shot. The law and order situation has completely collapsed. What is the Maharashtra Home Minister doing? He seems too busy with politics… Incidents like this never happened in Maharashtra before.”

Shiv Sena (UBT) leader Anand Dubey also criticized the Mahayuti government, echoing similar concerns. He remarked that the government was neglecting public welfare, stating, “The law and order in Maharashtra have collapsed. Our railway stations, bus stands, and public spaces are no longer safe. The government is busy playing politics, contesting elections, and breaking parties.”

The shooting incident, which took place at Badlapur railway station around 6 p.m. on Thursday, created a tense atmosphere. The accused shooter was arrested, and initial reports suggest the incident stemmed from a dispute over financial matters.