Special Investigation Team (SIT) to probe the serious allegations of sexual assault involving two minor girls at a school in Badlapur, Thane district. Fadnavis condemned the incident and emphasized that a fast-track court would be pursued to expedite justice for the victims. The SIT will be led by IPS officer Arti Singh, who has been tasked with conducting a thorough inquiry. Fadnavis also took to social media to assure that a charge sheet would be filed promptly and that the police would make every effort to ensure the perpetrators are swiftly punished.

In addition to the SIT, Fadnavis ordered the suspension of the senior police inspector, assistant sub-inspector, and head constable of Badlapur police station for their initial inaction regarding the case. This directive aims to address the alleged delays and shortcomings in the police response.

Earlier in the day, Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde had also called for a high-level investigation into the assault. He stated that strict actions would be taken against both the perpetrators and the school involved. Shinde emphasized that the case would be fast-tracked, and accountability would be enforced.

The incident has spurred widespread protests. Shiv Sena (UBT) chief Uddhav Thackeray demanded the implementation of the Maharashtra Shakti bill and called for stringent measures against the accused. He stressed that such incidents should not occur anywhere in the country. Shiv Sena (UBT) MP Priyanka Chaturvedi echoed these sentiments, criticizing the societal attitudes that blame victims and calling for immediate action to protect women and children.

Protests intensified on Tuesday as local residents took to the streets and Badlapur Railway Station to demand justice. Demonstrators blocked trains, leading to significant disruptions. In response to the escalating unrest, protesters pelted stones at the school involved, prompting police intervention. Authorities used tear gas and other measures to control the situation, and several individuals were arrested for their role in the violence.

Maharashtra Education Minister Deepak Kesarkar confirmed that one suspect has been arrested in connection with the assault. He assured that the maximum penalty would be pursued for those involved. The police continue to investigate the case and are working to restore order and ensure the community’s safety.

The assault, which came to light on August 18 when the victims’ parents filed an FIR, has sparked considerable outrage and demands for justice throughout the state. The situation remains fluid as authorities work to address the crisis and bring those responsible to justice.