Akhil Bhartiya Akhada Parishad President Mahant Ravindra Puri has voiced his opposition to allowing non-Hindus to set up shops during the Mahakumbh Mela 2025 in Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh. During an inspection of land allocated for the event, Puri stated that tea stalls, juice stands, and flower shops should not be given to non-Hindus, claiming their presence could disrupt the sanctity and safety of the fair. “If such shops are allowed, incidents like spitting and urinating might occur, forcing Naga saints to take action,” he told IANS.

He emphasized the need to ensure the event remains “beautiful, clean, grand, divine, and peaceful,” asseting that restricting non-Hindus from participating as vendors is necessary to uphold its sanctity. Puri also warned that any untoward incidents could tarnish the fair’s image globally.

This statement comes shortly after Prime Minister Narendra Modi, during the final Mann Ki Baat of 2024, called for unity and the eradication of societal divisions. Modi praised the Mahakumbh as a symbol of India’s diversity, emphasizing its inclusive nature where all are treated equally. He described it as an unparalleled display of unity in diversity, with millions of people, saints, and traditions gathering without discrimination.

The proposal to bar non-Hindus from vending at the Mahakumbh has faced criticism, notably from the All India Muslim Jamaat, which argued that such a move could foster division within society. The Mahakumbh Mela, set to officially begin on January 13, 2025, is being prepared with a focus on cleanliness, sustainability, and upgraded infrastructure. Efforts are underway to provide a modern, visually appealing, and environmentally friendly experience for attendees.