The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has alleged that Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel received a total of Rs 508 crore from the promoters of the Mahadev betting app. The allegation comes just days before the Chhattisgarh Assembly elections, which are scheduled to be held in two phases on November 7 and November 17.
Earlier, the ED arrested Aseem Das, a cash courier, who had allegedly confessed to delivering Rs 5.39 crore from Dubai to Chhattisgarh for the election expenses of the Congress party. Das had also claimed that approximately Rs 508 crore was paid to Baghel by the Mahadev app promoters.
The ED also arrested Bhim Yadav, a Chhattisgarh police constable, who has allegedly been involved in routing the bribe money to politicians and police officers. The ED has also seized Rs 15.59 crore from Yadav’s benami accounts. Both Das and Yadav have been remanded to 7 days of ED custody. The Mahadev Betting App controversy came to light when several Bollywood celebrities attended the wedding of Saurabh Chandrakar, the owner of the app, in Dubai.