A tragic stampede at the Sangam during the Maha Kumbh on Wednesday has left several feared dead and many injured. The incident occurred as a massive crowd gathered for the sacred Amrit Snan on Mauni Amavasya, a significant ritual in the Maha Kumbh that attracts millions of pilgrims. This year, the event held even greater spiritual significance due to the rare ‘Triveni Yog’ celestial alignment, occurring after 144 years.
Eyewitnesses Describe the Chaos
Vivek Mishra, a witness, described how confusion and poor crowd management contributed to the disaster. He stated that many devotees were unaware of where to go after taking the holy dip, and concealed dustbins caused people to trip and fall. “I fell when my feet got stuck in one of the dustbins. I lost my shoes and was left barefoot, injuring my feet. I somehow got up and helped my parents and another woman who were also lying on the ground. Then, panic set in, and people started pushing, triggering the stampede,” Mishra recounted.
Another witness, Ram Singh from Fatehpur, claimed that the blocked exit route worsened the situation. “The path was completely jammed. We were trapped as more people kept coming in, unable to move forward or backward. Many fell, causing a chain reaction,” he explained.
Similarly, Baljeet Singh from Balia narrated how the swelling crowd turned into chaos. “There were 14 of us, but in the rush, we lost sight of each other. People were coming and going from the bathing area, and suddenly, there was a crush of bodies all around us.”
Death Toll and Official Response
Though official confirmation is pending, sources indicate that at least 15 bodies have been brought to a hospital. Authorities have yet to release an official statement on the casualties. The stampede, which occurred around 2:30 AM, is being attributed to mismanagement, a lack of proper crowd control measures, and obstructions in the exit routes.
As investigations continue, questions are being raised about safety arrangements for the millions of devotees attending the Maha Kumbh, one of the largest religious gatherings in the world.