The suspense over who will be the next CM of Maharashtra finally came to an end yesterday evening when Devendra Fadnavis was sworn in as the Chief Minister for the third time. The grand event took place yesterday at Mumbai’s historic Azad maidan in the evening at 05:30 pm where all the VVIP’s including PM Narendra Modi, Union HM Amit Shah and the Chief Minister’s of the ruling NDA states were present. Eknath Shinde and Ajit Pawar were also were sworn in as Deputy Chief Minister’s.
But now the tensions might arise within the Mahayuti over the cabinet portfolio allocation. As per sources, the meeting to discuss the cabinet portfolio allocation is set to take place this week among the top three leaders of the Mahayuti. Devendra Fadnavis, Eknath Shinde and Ajit Pawar together will decide the cabinet portfolio allocation. The formula of the allocation can be as follows BJP CM + 22 cabinet berths, Shivsena DCM + 12 cabinet berths and NCP DCM + 10 cabinet berths.
Sources have also said that the BJP might keep the key portfolios with them which includes Home Ministry, Revenue Ministry and the speaker’s post which was already with them in the previous Mahayuti tenure under Eknath Shinde. On the other hand Eknath Shinde is insisting on the home ministry and the speaker’s post.
Whereas the finance ministry is already been offered to Ajit Pawar.
Yesterday while addressing a press conference the newly elected Deputy CM Eknath Shinde said that cabinet allocation will be done soon and all the three leaders will sit together and have a detailed discussion about it.
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