As the anticipation builds for the election results in Madhya Pradesh, former Chief Minister Digvijaya Singh of Congress projects confidence, asserting an expected win of over 130 seats in the state, setting the stage for a promising outcome.

Speaking to ANI in Bhopal, Digvijaya Singh expressed the party’s optimism, anticipating victory in more than 130 constituencies. Singh took a swipe at the BJP, highlighting apprehensions of unethical practices and accusing the BJP of doing business instead of practicing politics.

Echoing this sentiment, Jaivardhan Singh, another Congress leader, anticipates a clear majority for the Congress, emphasizing the public’s desire to end the BJP’s 18-year rule in the state.

In contrast, Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan of the BJP exudes confidence, affirming the party’s imminent formation of a government with a substantial majority. Chouhan highlighted the BJP’s widespread support across diverse sections of society.

Madhya Pradesh witnessed robust voter turnout on November 17, recording 77.82 percent participation across the 230 constituencies. As the state awaits the December 3 vote count, the pre-election exit polls have divergent views, with most favoring the BJP while others speculate an advantage for the Congress, setting the stage for an intriguing outcome.