In a heartbreaking incident in Madhya Pradesh’s Sagar district, nine children have lost their lives, two are undergoing treatment and several others have been injured following the Temple Wall Collapse. The tragedy occurred this morning at Hardaul Baba Temple in Shahpur during a religious ceremony.

The rescue operation, which involved both police and local residents, was a race against time as an earthmover was deployed to clear the debris and search for survivors. The injured children have been rescued and are currently receiving medical treatment at nearby hospitals.

This disaster comes on the heels of another wall collapse that claimed the lives of four children in the Rewa district just a day earlier. These children, aged between 10 and 15 years, were returning home from school when a wall fell on them. The property owners involved in that incident have since been taken into custody.

The region has been experiencing heavy rains, which have contributed to a series of such incidents. According to reports, the state has witnessed a total of 200 fatalities due to rain-related incidents this year alone. In addition, around 206 homes have been completely destroyed, and 2,403 others have sustained partial damage due to the adverse weather conditions.