Indian cricketer Ajinkya Rahane and his spouse exercised their voting rights on Monday during the fifth phase of the Lok Sabha Elections 2024 in Mumbai. Rahane shared a photo on social media, displaying their inked fingers after casting their votes, with the caption, “We did our duty. Have you?”
Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar also participated as an early voter in Mumbai, emphasizing the importance of voting for the nation’s development and strength. After voting, Kumar expressed his belief that India should vote for what they consider right and anticipated a good voter turnout.
Actor Randeep Hooda encouraged citizens to participate in the democratic process, stating, “In a democracy, through voting, you have the right to decide your future and that of your country. You must vote…Participate in this festival of democracy and vote.”
The ongoing fifth phase of Lok Sabha elections is significant, with elections in 6 Lok Sabha seats of Mumbai and several other constituencies in Maharashtra. The voting process, spanning seven phases from April 19 to June 1, involves over 8.95 crore voters deciding the fate of 695 candidates. Extensive arrangements have been made to ensure a smooth and secure voting experience across the 94,732 polling stations.