According to panel chairman Vinod Sonkar, six Lok Sabha Ethics Committee members—including Congress MP Preneet Kaur—supported the report on the “cash-for-query” charges against Trinamool Congress MP Mahua Moitra, while four members opposed it on Thursday. The Lok Sabha Ethics Committee met on Thursday to discuss the allegations of cash-for-query made by BJP MP Nishikant Dubey against Trinamool Congress MP Mahua Moitra. He added that on Friday, the panel will present Speaker Om Birla of the Lok Sabha with a “detailed report.”
“The recommendation report by the Parliament Ethics Committee has been adopted by the Committee with a 6:4 majority. Congress MP Preneet Kaur is one of the six MPs who supported the draft. A detailed report is being submitted to the Lok Sabha Speaker tomorrow…The action, whatever it is, will be taken by the Speaker,” Sonkar said.
The Committee, in its draft report, accused Moitra of being involved in ‘unethical conduct’ and sharing her ID login and password with unauthorised persons, sources said on Thursday.
“One common ground for all the opposition MPs to submit a dissent note is that the enquiry is not fair. They have said that Darshan Hiranandani should have been summoned by the committee to ensure a free and fair enquiry in all respects,” the sources said.
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