On Tuesday, the Karnataka Lokayukta raided 63 locations throughout the state that belonged to 13 government officials. Sources claim that 13 government officials’ properties were raided, purportedly in relation to cases involving dispropoertionate assets. According to Lokayukta officials, during the raids, they retrieved cash worth Rs 6 lakh, 3 kg of gold, diamonds worth Rs 25 lakh, and antiques worth Rs 5 lakhs. Prior to this, on August 17, Lokayukta conducted raids at 48 sites throughout Karnataka to look into allegations of official corruption. 48 locations, including Bidar, Dharwad, Kodagu, Raichur, Davangere, and Chitradurga, were the targets of these raids.
A former Bruhat Bengaluru Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) engineer in Davangere, a constable in Bidar and a sub-district officer in Kodagu were among those whose premises were raided by the Lokaykta.
Lokayukta officials also raided a district official in Madikeri district.
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