The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is preparing for the upcoming Lok Sabha elections in full swing and so are its coalition partners in the state of Uttar Pradesh. As the BJP’s oldest ally, Apna Dal (S), is conducting campaigns across the state to bolster the party’s support at the grassroots, Sanjay Nishad, the president of the Nishad Party, is actively engaging with workers in regions where he wields influence to increase his party’s voter base.
Furthermore, since re-joining the NDA, Om Prakash Rajbhar has also been making his presence felt at all levels. Rajbhar has conducted discussions about organising rallies for Prime Minister Narendra Modi or Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath; he has also had a hand in organising different programmes to attract workers to the party while engaging with those already affiliated with the BJP.
Apna Dal (S), as the third-largest party in terms of seats in the UP Assembly, is constantly making efforts to sway the state’s OBC voters to its side, particularly targeting voters who traditionally support the Samajwadi Party (SP). This is in addition to their campaigns to win over the Kurmi vote since the community constitutes six percent of the state’s population.
In addition, the party is planning micro-level events such as worker conventions to strengthen its position. They are fielding candidates for five seats this time and holding discussions with various parties. The party’s preparations extend to all 75 districts in the state, with worker conventions planned across these regions. Moreover, a three-day training camp is scheduled in Lucknow in September to enhance the party’s cadre.
Similarly, Nishad Party’s president, Dr Sanjay Nishad, is actively engaged in meetings and conventions with party workers. Claiming his organisation’s influence on 37 Lok Sabha seats in the state, he is demanding seats from the BJP for the upcoming elections. The party’s foundation day on 16 August will be celebrated in Gorakhpur with Chief Minister Adityanath as the main guest. Nishad Party is preparing to showcase its strength by uniting workers and conveying a message regarding the Lok Sabha elections.
Similar to the other coalition partners of the BJP, preparations by Om Prakash Rajbhar, who recently rejoined the NDA, are also visible at the grassroots level. While the opposition is taunting him over the delay in appointing him as a minister, his preparations are progressing on the ground. He is engaging with party workers in influential regions, discussing their problems and organising programs to reach the Chief Minister’s office. Rumours are circulating that he is planning a rally in Azamgarh to support the Prime Minister’s rally there. Thus, like Apna Dal (S), Om Prakash Rajbhar is actively working to attract people to his side at the local level.
Looking at these preparations, it’s clear that while the BJP is showing activity from its end for the Lok Sabha elections, its coalition partners are actively working alongside to support the party.
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