The Election Commission of India announced the schedule for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections during a press briefing. Scheduled to commence on April 19 and conclude on June 4, the elections will span across 7 phases. Throughout this period, a total of 543 Principal Constituencies will be established for voting. The current administration’s term is set to conclude on June 16.
These are the voter turnout as recorded around 5 PM in the states and union territories
Assam: 70.66%
Bihar: 53.03%
Chhattisgarh: 72.13%
Jammu And Kashmir: 67.22%
Karnataka: 63.90%
Kerala: 63.97%
Madhya Pradesh: 54.83%
Maharashtra: 53.51%
Manipur: 76.06%
Rajasthan: 59.19%
Tripura: 77.53%
Uttar Pradesh: 52.74%
West Bengal: 71.84%
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