Ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, Nalgonda police in Telangana seized gold worth Rs 5.73 crores during a vehicle check within the jurisdiction of Miryalguda 1 Town police station limits. Sudhakar, Station House Officer, stated, “The gold was being transported from Miryalguda to Khammam in a vehicle. Further details awaited.”
Superintendent of Police Chandana Deept informed in a press conference that the district police intensified vehicle checks to prevent illegal transportation of cash and valuables following the implementation of the Model Code of Conduct for the elections. She mentioned, “On March 18, at about 11:30 am, a police team found 3 persons in a vehicle heading towards Kodad side. Upon inspection, they discovered gold worth Rs 5.73 crores being transported illegally in violation of ECI guidelines.”
The Election Commission of India (ECI) has implemented measures to combat the misuse of money and muscle power in the upcoming general elections. Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar stated that extensive reviews with enforcement agencies have been conducted to curb the flow of illicit money. “Cash movement worth around Rs 3,400 crore was restricted in the last 11 state assembly elections,” said CEC Kumar.
He highlighted the challenges of conducting free and fair elections, including “muscle, money, misinformation, and MCC violations,” and emphasized that the poll panel has implemented measures to address these challenges.
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