During the ongoing sixth phase of the Lok Sabha polls, Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) candidate Somnath Bharti has alleged that BJP polling agents are carrying candidate pamphlets inside the booth. In a post on X, Bharti said, “Shocked to report that every polling agent of the BJP is carrying candidate pamphlets inside the polling booth and shamelessly displaying the same fearing no one. Sharing video of what I saw inside booth no 134,135,137 and 138 of Assembly Constituency-43.”
AAP also shared this on its official handle on X and said that the incident is shameful. “Shameful!! Election Commission, what is happening right under your nose? BJP’s polling agents are openly showing pamphlets inside the polling booth. This matter has come to light in Booth Number 134,135,137 and 138 of AC-43. Take appropriate action immediately,” it said.
Earlier, AAP leader Atishi alleged that the Lieutenant Governor of Delhi VK Saxena, held a meeting with Delhi Police to slow down the voting process in areas that are strongholds of the INDIA bloc. “We have received official information that last evening, LG had called a meeting of Delhi Police officials and instructions were given to Delhi Police that in all the areas which are strongholds of the INDIA alliance, voting should be slowed down in those areas. If this happens then it will be a violation of free and fair elections. So we hope that the Election Commission will take cognizance of this,” Atishi alleged.
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