Delhi BJP President Virendraa Sachdeva and Union Minister General VK Singh led a bike rally in the National Capital in support of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The rally, organized by the Sikh community and led by party leader Manjinder Singh Sirsa, comes ahead of the Lok Sabha elections in Delhi. All seven Lok Sabha seats in Delhi will vote on May 25, with AAP and Congress jointly contesting.

“The youth has taken out a bike rally to show support of the Sikh community for PM Narendra Modi (for Delhi Lok Sabha seats). He has made untiring efforts to strengthen our community, be it taking action against the 1984 riots accused, making the Kartarpur Sahib corridor, celebrating Veer Bal Diwas to remember the sacrifice of the four sons of Guru Gobind Singh, or rescuing the Sikh community from Afghanistan…,” Sirsa told ANI amid the rally.

He also criticized Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, saying, “Arvind Kejriwal has been frustrated ever since he came out of jail and that is why he has been lying. He was not in jail in 2014 or 2019…”

Union Minister General VK Singh emphasized the importance of supporting the Modi-led government, stating, “We have to give a message to the people of Delhi that Modi-led government should come to power for the third time and that the Sikhs are standing in support.”

CM Kejriwal will hold a meeting with AAP MLAs in the national capital on Sunday, his first meeting with legislators after being granted interim bail till June 1 in the Delhi liquor scam case.