Prime Minister Narendra Modi arrived in Kolkata on Thursday evening is scheduled to hold three Lok Sabha election rallies in West Bengal today. Upon arrival, PM Modi proceeded directly to the Raj Bhavan around 10:20 pm, where he received a warm welcome from West Bengal Governor CV Ananda Bose. The Prime Minister spent the night at the Governor’s residence.

Key highlights of PM Modi’s Kolkata visit: PM Narendra Modi is undertaking a two-day visit to Kolkata ahead of the Lok Sabha elections. He is scheduled to address public gatherings in three Lok Sabha constituencies – Krishnanagar, Purba Bardhaman, and Bolpur – on Friday.

In light of PM Modi’s visit, the Kolkata traffic police have implemented restrictions on vehicle movement and parking in various parts of the city. According to the police advisory, goods vehicles will be allowed entry into the city only during specific hours, while other vehicles may face restrictions and diversions during the PM’s scheduled rallies.

Additionally, Governor CV Ananda Bose curtailed his personal visit to his home state, Kerala, and returned to Kolkata due to the Prime Minister’s visit. Over the past two weeks, PM Modi has conducted numerous election rallies in various constituencies of West Bengal, including Malda, Arambagh, Krishnanagar, and Barasat.

The ruling Trinamool Congress and the Bharatiya Janata Party are engaged in a bitter electoral war in the state of West Bengal for the Lok Sabha. Mamata Banerjee and PM Modi have been campaigning hard ahead of the vote. The TMC government in Bengal, led by Mamata Banerjee, was charged by Prime Minister Modi on April 26 during a rally in Malda of helping Bangladeshi infiltrators settle in the state so they could take Indian land and property.

In response, Banerjee countered the PM’s remarks during her rally, alleging that the Left, Congress, and BJP were collectively opposing the TMC. She stated, “The Left and the Congress are the two eyes of the BJP. Together these three parties are fighting against the TMC in West Bengal.”