Tamil cinema icon Ajith Kumar made headlines by becoming the first actor from the film industry to exercise his voting rights in the Lok Sabha Election 2024. The voting process kicked off on Friday, April 19, with Tamil Nadu being one of the initial states to participate. In widely shared videos, Ajith was seen at the polling station in Thiruvanmiyur, enthusiastically casting his ballot. It’s reported that he arrived at the polling booth at 6:40 am and patiently waited for it to open at 7 am.
Dressed in white attire, Ajith cast his vote and graciously posed for the cameras, proudly displaying his inked finger. His actions served as an inspiring example to his fans, urging them to fulfill their civic duty by voting.
Tamil Nadu initiated the first phase of the seven-phase Lok Sabha elections on Friday, marking the beginning of a significant contest among the Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (DMK), Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), and the All India Anna Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (AIADMK), with results scheduled for announcement on June 4.
Meanwhile, Ajith Kumar remains deeply involved in his ongoing projects. Presently, he is dedicated to filming “Vidaa Muyarchi,” described as an action-packed thriller directed by Magizh Thirumeni, marking their inaugural collaboration. Additionally, Ajith is joining forces with director Adhik Ravichandran for “Good Bad Ugly,” which has recently begun production. The revelation of the title look for the film has sparked significant excitement among fans, who eagerly anticipate further updates. Reports indicate that Ajith will portray a triple role in Adhik Ravichandran’s “Good Bad Ugly.”
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