In a bid for a third term from Mathura, veteran actress and politician Hema Malini expressed the utmost importance of a return to power for the ‘Modi sarkar’ during the ongoing Lok Sabha election results. Emphasizing the significance of continuity for the country and future generations, Malini asserted her commitment to fulfilling the dreams of the residents of Mathura and Brijwasis. With a considerable lead maintained over her rivals since the commencement of counting, Malini, often referring to herself as ‘Krishna ki gopi,’ exuded confidence in her prospects.

Amidst the fluctuating numbers, Hema Malini remains optimistic about the BJP’s victory and her substantial lead in Mathura. Reflecting on her contributions to the Braj area, encompassing Mathura, Vrindavan, Goverdhan, Chhata, Mant, and Baldev assembly constituencies, Malini affirmed her dedication to serving the region. With Mathura witnessing polling on April 26, the unfolding results hold anticipation and hope for Malini and her supporters, awaiting clarity by early afternoon.