Prime Minister Narendra Modi accused the Congress party of attempting to “divide the Hindu society” during an election rally in Gujarat’s Surendranagar. He criticized Congress National President Mallikarjun Kharge for making statements regarding Lord Ram and Lord Shiva with “malicious intent.”

PM Modi claimed that Congress aims to create discord between Ram devotees and Shiva devotees, jeopardizing age-old traditions. He also referenced a previous statement by Congress leader Rahul Gandhi, implying an attack on Shakti worshippers, asserting that such actions cannot be forgiven.

Furthermore, PM Modi alleged that Congress has become unsettled and is resorting to lies after he exposed their actions against SC/ST/OBC communities regarding reservation policies. He highlighted the series of scams under the Congress government, contrasting it with India’s current global standing and self-reliance. PM Modi emphasized that India now strikes back against terrorism and enjoys international recognition, thanks to the people’s support.

PM Modi also criticized Congress’s manifesto promise of introducing a “fixed quota” for Muslims in government tenders, condemning the idea of reservation based on religion.

He urged voters to consider these issues ahead of the third phase of general elections in Gujarat on May 7, where voting for 25 out of 26 seats will occur. The Prime Minister mentioned that voting will not take place in Surat, as a BJP candidate was declared elected unopposed. The results of the elections will be announced on June 4.