The focus of the BJP’s election campaign in Gujarat’s Porbandar Lok Sabha constituency is development, as highlighted by Mansukh Mandaviya, Union Minister for Family Welfare and Health. Speaking at a roadshow in the Porbandar neighbourhood of Dhoraji, Mandaviya restated, “We are focusing on development throughout the Lok Sabha election. We have always prioritised growth, and we will continue to do so in the future, which is why I’m running for office in the cause of development.”

Responding to Congress leader Rahul Gandhi’s assertions regarding the BJP’s return to power posing a threat to the Constitution and democracy, Mandaviya retorted, “Congress itself is facing existential threats. The party is in despair due to its own precarious situation.”

Reflecting on his month-long election campaign, Mandaviya expressed gratitude for the overwhelming support received from various segments of society. He observed, “During the campaign, I have been receiving immense love and enthusiasm from the public across all age groups. Elderly individuals bless us, and there is continuous support from the people. I notice two things: the public’s unwavering trust in the Bharatiya Janata Party and their faith in Modi ji, indicating that Modi ji’s government will be re-elected. Such a positive atmosphere is palpable among the public.”

Mansukh Mandaviya faces competition from Congress’ Lalit Vasoya, a former MLA representing the Patidar community, in the Porbandar Lok Sabha seat. Mandaviya, before becoming a Rajya Sabha member, secured victory in the Palitana assembly seat of Bhavnagar in 2002.

The voting in Gujarat is scheduled to take place in a single phase on May 7 for 25 Lok Sabha seats, with the results slated to be announced on June 4.