Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is observing the second death anniversary of Kalyan Singh, the former Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh and a prominent leader of the Ram Temple movement, as “Hindu Gaurav Diwas”. This move is seen as the beginning of the BJP’s mission for the 2024 Lok Sabha elections in western Uttar Pradesh.
Amit Shah and Yogi Adityanath are expected to attend events in Aligarh to mark this occasion. In western Uttar Pradesh, the Lodhi Rajput community plays a pivotal role in determining votes. Taking this into account, the BJP has entrusted Bhupendra Chaudhary, who hails from this community, with the responsibility of State President to boost the party’s influence among them.
Kalyan Singh, a leader from the Lodhi community, is known as the first Chief Minister from this background. Kalyan Singh’s legacy continues to have a significant influence in the Bundelkhand and western Uttar Pradesh regions, where the community wields substantial voting power.
Among backward castes, Yadavs and Kurmis hold the first and second positions in terms of population, while the Lodhi community is considered the third-largest in this category. Political analysts are closely watching the events organized on Kalyan Singh’s death anniversary, as they are seen as connected to the 2024 Lok Sabha elections. Kalyan Singh, who played a prominent role in the Ram Temple movement, also holds significance in the political dynamics related to Hindu nationalism.
Western Uttar Pradesh is marked by its substantial Muslim population, accounting for nearly 30%. Therefore, the BJP aims to unite Jats, who make up about 17%, and Lodhis, around 16%, under the umbrella of Hindutva to secure its political interests. In this endeavor, Kalyan Singh’s name could play a significant role.