The Uttar Pradesh Forest Department succeeded in nabbing a leopard on Sunday, which was sighted in the Karkheda village in Tanda tehsil, Rampur. The operation included tranquilizing with the help of a team of doctors from Pilibhit, and a medical check-up is slated. The Divisional Forest Officer of Rampur has advised people not to panic and be calm.
The police department and our team have done a lot of work in catching the leopard, which is now in a cage. The leopard has been tranquilised. There is no cause for panic. If there are more leopards, they will also be caught,” Rajiv Kumar, Rampur DFO said.
This trapping was done after a series of animal attacks in Bahraich where four people, including three children, were injured separately. In one incident, a minor girl and a man were attacked by a leopard near Katarniaghat while other suspected wolf attacks were reported in the Bahraich forest division.
Divisional Forest Officer Katarniaghat Shiv Shankar confirmed the leopard attack, saying, “Two people-including a 13-year-old girl named Sahiba from Ayodhya Purwa and 35-year-old Madhusudan from Harkapur-were injured in the incident.”
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