Following reports that Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal’s parents would be questioned by the Delhi Police in Swati Maliwal’s assault case, the Aam Aadmi Party leader appealed to Prime Minister Narendra Modi, urging him not to involve his elderly parents in their disputes. Kejriwal emphasized that the fight is between him and the Prime Minister, not his parents.

In a video message, Kejriwal expressed his distress over the targeting of his aged parents, highlighting his mother’s illness and his father’s advanced age and impaired health. He urged PM Modi to cease the harassment of his parents, emphasizing that his parents should be left out of their political conflicts.

While sources indicated that the Delhi Police would not record statements from Kejriwal’s parents on the specified day, AAP leader and Delhi Minister Atishi condemned the interrogation, questioning whether PM Modi had resorted to persecuting elderly and ill parents. Atishi underscored the health challenges faced by Kejriwal’s parents, stressing the impropriety of subjecting them to further distress.

The assault case involving Bibhav Kumar prompted the formation of a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to probe Maliwal’s complaint. Bibhav was arrested by the Delhi Police and is currently in custody, having also lodged a counter-complaint against Maliwal, alleging forced and illegal entry into the CM’s residence.