In the midst of the monsoon session’s tense arguments, Congress leader Mallikarjun Kharge and Rajya Sabha chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar sent peals of laughter in the House. The banter, however, soon turned to bitterness when Kharge accused the Chairman of supporting Prime Minister Narendra Modi, triggering a sharp response.
The Congress president argued in favour of using Rule 267 to discuss the violence in Manipur. The Chair has said that the government is prepared to discuss the matter under Rule 176, which allows for a brief discussion.
The difference over the rule to hold the debate under has blocked proceedings in the Upper House for nearly two weeks now. “A notice under Rule 267 means that all other business be suspended and that the matter be discussed first. There is history behind this. I fail to see how this has turned into a prestige issue. You told us that there must be a reason wants a discussion under Rule 267, we have told you the reason,” Kharge told the Chair.
He said, “Yesterday I asked you, but you were probably angry,” he added, prompting a round of laughter from the benches. The Chairman further added, “I have been married for more than 45 years. I never get angry,” he declared as more laughter erupted around the House.