Sajjan Singh Khichad, a soldier who died in the Sikkim cloudburst incident, had his funeral services conducted with military honors on Sunday in Sikar, Rajasthan. Images taken at the scene revealed that a sizable crowd had gathered at his home before he was laid to rest. The mother of the deceased was given the Indian flag by the army officer.

“I had last spoken to him on video call. He said that he will have his meal and sleep,” the deceased soldier’s son said on the last time he spoke to his father.
Bharatiya Janata Party Lok Sabha MP Sumedhanand Saraswati offered his condolences to the family of the deceased.
“Our soldiers protect our borders and during any disaster, they come forward. It is sad that some soldiers died in the disaster. Being a representative from this parliamentary constituency, I pay respect to his departed soul. I pray to god to give strength to his family to overcome this loss. We promise to help them in future,” the Sikar Lok Sabha MP said.

The Indian Army announced on Saturday that efforts are being made to find and save the remaining 14 soldiers and civilians who went missing in the recent flash floods in Sikkim. According to a statement from the Army, all ranks of the Indian Army and Army Chief General Manoj Pande send their deepest condolences in light of the tragic deaths of eight Indian Army soldiers in Sikkim due to flash floods caused by a glacial lake burst.