On Wednesday, the Delhi Rouse Avenue Court granted bail to several individuals in connection with a new chargesheet in the alleged land-for-jobs scam case, including former railway minister Lalu Prasad Yadav, Tejashwi Yadav, Rabri Devi, and others. While granting bail, Special Judge Geetanjali Goel noted that the CBI had not made any arrests of the accused and had not even objected to their request for bail. The Court also ordered the CBI to serve copies of the updated chargesheet to each and every defendant in the case in the interim.

The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) had earlier filed a chargesheet, and the court had taken notice of it and summoned each defendant. The CBI claims that in a case involving the “Land for Job Scam,” this is the second chargesheet filed in the Designated Court against 17 accused, including the former Union Minister of Railways, his wife, son, the GM of West Central Railways (WCR), two CPOs of WCR, as well as private individuals and a private company.

Tejashwi Yadav, the deputy chief minister of Bihar, and others are named in the chargesheet that the CBI recently filed in the Land for Job alleged scam case against former Union Railway Minister Lalu Prasad Yadav. On May 18, 2022, the CBI filed a case against the then-Union Minister of Railways and several other individuals, including his wife, two daughters, and unidentified public employees and private individuals.