Fugitive Lalit Modi, the former chief of the Indian Premier League (IPL), was seen at the wedding of Vijay Mallya’s son, Sidhartha Mallya, and his fiancée, Jasmine, in the UK this past weekend.

Sidhartha Mallya and Jasmine were married at Vijay Mallya’s lavish estate in Hertfordshire. The couple celebrated with both a Christian wedding and a traditional Hindu wedding ceremony.

Vijay Mallya, the father of the groom, is wanted in India due to allegations of involvement in a loan fraud case exceeding 900 crore. Meanwhile, Lalit Modi is a fugitive facing charges of tax evasion, money laundering, and other offenses.

Lalit Modi was suspended from the BCCI shortly after the IPL 2010 season. His suspension came on the heels of accusations of misconduct and financial irregularities in his transactions. The BCCI claimed that Modi, in his capacity as Chairman of the IPL Governing Council, defrauded the board of ₹753 crore in collaboration with officials from the World Sports Group.

Sidhartha Mallya and Jasmine’s wedding

“Mr and Mrs Muppet,” the couple wrote on their Instagram accounts on Sunday, sharing two official photos from the UK wedding.

Friends and family of Sidhartha Mallya and Jasmine attended their Christian and Hindu wedding celebrations. The bride wore an elegant white gown for the Christian ceremony and a pink lehenga for the Hindu wedding. Videos from guests showed the couple’s first dance and the cutting of a four-tier wedding cake.

Several other clips featured Vijay Mallya kissing his son and the former liquor baron dancing to the live music.