Kajal Khatri, also known as Lady Don, has been arrested in connection with the murder of Air India crew member Suraj Mann in January. Suraj Mann, 30, was shot dead inside his car outside a gym in Noida by assailants on a motorcycle.

Khatri is accused of orchestrating the murder of Suraj Mann, who was the brother of gangster Parvesh Mann, on the orders of her partner, gangster Kapil Mann. Kapil Mann, currently imprisoned in Delhi’s Mandoli jail, reportedly sought to avenge his father’s death, allegedly under the direction of Parvesh Mann, who is also incarcerated in the same jail.

Following the murder, it was discovered that Suraj Mann had no prior criminal record. Authorities suspect he may have been financially supporting his jailed brother. Senior Delhi Police officer Sanjay Bhatia confirmed that Khatri was apprehended by the crime branch northern range team. “Her real name is Kajal Khatri. She was wanted in connection with the murder and had a ₹25,000 bounty on her head. On January 19, Suraj Mann was killed in Noida on the orders of Kapil Mann. The two individuals who carried out the killing were arrested later. Kajal Khatri, involved in the conspiracy, had been evading arrest. Both Delhi and Noida police were searching for her. This arrest is a significant achievement for the crime branch. We have transferred her to the Noida police,” Bhatia stated.

The officer added that while Kapil Mann is in jail, Kajal Khatri was overseeing his gang’s operations.