A journalist, Sonal Pateria, reported being harassed while waiting for a cab near DLF Mall in Noida. The incident occurred when a man riding pillion on a motorcycle made a lewd comment, asking, “kya rate legi?” before speeding away. Pateria, who managed to reach home safely, took to social media to recount her troubling experience, noting that this was not an isolated incident.

On August 14, Pateria detailed the harassment on X (formerly Twitter), describing how the man’s crude remark was made quickly and without stopping. She emphasized that this was one of several distressing encounters she had faced recently in Delhi and Noida.


In subsequent posts, Pateria shared additional experiences of harassment. She recounted a daytime incident near Sector-18 Metro Station, where a man approached her and made uncomfortable advances. The man attempted to justify his behavior by saying he found her attractive and hoped for a chance to talk.

Another incident involved a man at Rajeev Chowk Metro Station in Delhi, who asked for her phone number, again under the guise of admiration. Pateria expressed frustration over the recurrent nature of these encounters and criticized the societal attitude towards women’s safety.

Pateria’s final post highlighted the pervasive fear many women experience, comparing it to the more predictable behavior of stray dogs. She lamented that men like those she encountered seem to lack any fear of consequences.

In response, the official X account of DCP Noida assured that an investigation is underway. The Assistant Deputy Commissioner of Police has been assigned to the case, and a team will review CCTV footage from the area to identify and take action against the perpetrator.

This incident underscores the ongoing challenges women face with harassment and the need for effective measures to ensure their safety.