West Bengal Chief Secretary Manoj Pant has invited junior doctors protesting over the RG Kar hospital incident to a meeting with Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee, scheduled for 5 pm on Thursday. However, the state government has declined the doctors’ request for a live telecast of the meeting, offering instead to record it to ensure transparency.
In a letter addressed to the protesting doctors, Chief Secretary Pant stated, “The meeting shall not be live telecasted. However, the same can be recorded to maintain transparency. This will serve the purpose intended from your end while also maintaining the sanctity of the proceedings, ensuring that all discussions are accurately documented.” The letter also noted that the delegation size would be restricted to 15 to facilitate a smooth discussion.
The doctors had previously rejected Chief Minister Banerjee’s invitation for a closed-door meeting at the state secretariat, leading to ongoing protests. The chief minister had planned the meeting to review the state’s health facilities and improve safety, security, and patient services. The meeting was to include principals, directors, medical superintendents, vice principals of medical colleges, commissioners of police, district magistrates, and chief medical officers of health from all districts.
Meanwhile, junior doctors continued their protest at the Swasthya Bhawan in Salt Lake, Kolkata, demanding better working conditions and safety measures.
The West Bengal government remains committed to resolving the impasse and is hopeful for a positive response from the protesting doctors.
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