BJP’s Rajya Sabha MP, Sudhanshu Trivedi, criticized West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Tuesday for not transferring the investigation of the rape and murder of a doctor at the state-run RG Kar Medical College & Hospital to the CBI. He also took aim at the leaders of the INDIA alliance, questioning the silence of Rahul and Priyanka Gandhi on the matter.

Trivedi, speaking at a press conference in Delhi, stated, “The protection given to the criminals in the Kolkata incident is more tragic than the incident itself.” He pointed out that the reappointment of RG Kar’s Principal to another college within 24 hours raises suspicions about the state government’s investigation. “Why does the West Bengal CM have sympathy for that Principal?” he questioned.

Earlier, Mamata Banerjee had mentioned that she would consider transferring the case to the central agency if no progress was made by Sunday. However, Trivedi demanded an immediate handover to the CBI, questioning, “Is it for manipulation? We’ve seen similar situations, like in the Sandeshkhali incident. Why isn’t this investigation being handed over to the country’s top investigative agency?”

Trivedi also criticized the opposition parties, accusing the INDI alliance of shielding criminals. He targeted Priyanka Gandhi, saying, “Where is Priyanka Gandhi, who said ‘Ladki Hun, Lad Sakti Hun’? She is silent on rape incidents from Ayodhya to Kolkata. And Rahul Gandhi, who talks about ‘Mohabbat Ki Dukaan,’ seems to show love only for criminals, terrorists, and corrupt individuals.”

The case in question involves the discovery of the body of a woman postgraduate trainee in a seminar hall at RG Kar College last Friday. A civic volunteer was arrested on Saturday in connection with the crime. Following the incident, Dr. Sandip Ghosh, the college’s principal, resigned but was quickly appointed as the principal of Calcutta National Medical College (CNMC). This appointment was met with opposition from many junior doctors and interns.

Meanwhile, on Tuesday, the Calcutta High Court ordered Dr. Ghosh to go on leave. The Chief Justice stated, “The principal of RG Kar College, Sandeep Ghosh, should go on leave today. Otherwise, I will issue an order for him.” The court also demanded that both Dr. Ghosh’s resignation letter from RG Kar Medical College and his appointment letter from National Medical College be presented together at 1 pm.

Hospital services across the state were disrupted as junior doctors, interns, and postgraduate trainees continued their protest for the fourth consecutive day, calling for a magisterial inquiry into the doctor’s death.