Union Coal and Mines Minister G. Kishan Reddy assumed office at Shastri Bhavan, New Delhi, on Thursday. Before his arrival, Reddy performed special prayers at Sri Venkateswara Swamy temple and Sri Kanaka Durga temple in Telangana Bhavan, New Delhi. He also paid homage to Dr. BR Ambedkar’s statue and the Telangana martyrs memorial located there.

Reddy then visited Gurudwara Bangla Sahib for prayers before heading to his office, where senior officials from the Ministry of Coal and Mines witnessed him taking charge.

Reddy secured a victory from the Secunderabad Parliament constituency by over 49,000 votes, defeating Congress MLA Danam Nagender in the Lok Sabha elections that took place recently. He previously served as Union Minister of State for Home Affairs and later as Union Tourism and Culture Minister.

Reddy boasts a distinguished history as the BJP president in Andhra Pradesh, where he played a significant role in the party’s regional strategy and growth. Following the bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh, he earned the notable distinction of becoming the first BJP state president of the newly formed Telangana.

His leadership and contributions were valued, and he has now been reappointed by the BJP high command as the Telangana president for a second term. This reappointment shows the party’s confidence in his ability to steer the regional unit effectively and further their political objectives in the state.