In a shocking turn of events, a 51-year-old builder, Hemant Madanlal Parakh, Chairman of Gajra Group, was reportedly abducted by unidentified individuals outside his residence in Nashik city, Maharashtra. However, this harrowing ordeal took a surprising twist as Parakh was subsequently released by his captors and safely brought back home by the police from neighboring, according to an official statement.
The abduction unfolded when unknown assailants riding two-wheelers and a car intercepted Parakh outside his residence in the Indiranagar area. In a terrifying turn of events, they allegedly coerced him into their vehicle before swiftly departing the scene.
The incident was captured by surveillance cameras in the vicinity, triggering immediate action by law enforcement authorities. Senior police officials, including Police Commissioner Ankush Shinde, promptly arrived at the scene to launch an investigation.
In a remarkable turn of events, Parakh managed to establish contact with his family during the early hours of the day, which led to a swift response from the police. The authorities traced his whereabouts to Gujarat’s Navsari and successfully orchestrated his safe return.
A case has been officially registered against the unidentified kidnappers with the Indiranagar police, and comprehensive investigations into the matter are currently underway to shed light on the circumstances surrounding the abduction.
Adding to the gravity of the situation, Maharashtra Food and Civil Supplies Minister Chhagan Bhujbal visited Parakh at his residence on Sunday, underlining the significance of this shocking incident that had the entire region in suspense.
The Maha Kumbh, which began on January 13, will continue until February 26.
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