The Delhi Police on Wednesday brought Lokesh Srivas, the main accused in the Bhogal jewellery shop burglary case, to the national capital after a Chhattisgarh court granted him transit remand, an officer said. Deputy Commissioner of Police (Southeast) Rajesh Deo said Lokesh Srivas was brought to Delhi on Wednesday on a three-day transit remand. He will be produced before a metropolitan magistrate on Thursday for police custody.
The accused, who was nabbed on Friday morning, allegedly broke into the south Delhi shop on September 24–25, made a hole in the strongroom, and decamped with ornaments worth more than Rs 20 crore as well as Rs 5 lakh in cash. The jewellery shop had several CCTV cameras, but they were damaged, according to the police. The shop owner had closed the showroom, Umrao Singh Jewellers, around 8 pm on September 24, and when he opened it on September 26, he found the shop had been broken into. The shop remains closed on Monday.