Kerala Police have registered a case involving food kits featuring images of Congress leaders Rahul and Priyanka Gandhi, seized in Wayanad ahead of upcoming by-elections. The kits, which included essential items like rice, sugar, and tea, were found near a residence linked to a local Congress leader. They also featured images of Karnataka Chief Minister Siddharamaiah and Deputy CM DK Shivakumar, according to PTI sources.

The case, filed under BNS Section 173 and the Representation of the People Act, follows a seizure by the Election Commission’s flying squad and local police. Around 30 kits were confiscated ahead of the by-election set for November 13. Congress leaders explained that the kits were intended for survivors of a July 30 landslide in Wayanad, but the ruling Left Front argued they were meant to influence voters.

The by-election in Wayanad was triggered when Rahul Gandhi chose to retain his Rae Bareli seat after winning both constituencies in this year’s general election. Priyanka Gandhi, representing the United Democratic Front (UDF), is contesting against CPI’s Sathyan Mokeri and BJP’s Navya Haridas in the upcoming polls. Authorities are continuing investigations to determine the purpose of the kits and any potential impact on the election.