Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan on Sunday inaugurated the Rs 2,400-crore Kerala Solid Waste Management Project (KSWMP) as part of the second phase of ‘Malinya Muktham Navakeralam’ (garbage free) campaign here. Addressing a gathering, Vijayan said the southern state was being urbanised at a rapid pace and urged everyone to join hands to achieve a garbage-free Kerala.
“According to certain reports, at least 90 per cent of the state’s population will be urbanised by 2035. There are opportunities as well as challenges in this regard. Adapting to modern techniques for waste management is part of addressing the challenges,” Vijayan said.
Local Self Government minister, M B Rajesh, presided over the function where Industries Minister P Rajeeve, unveiled a new design for material collection facilities (MCFs) and resource recovery facilities (RRFs), developed by architect G Shankar.
Congress leader and Ernakulam MP, Hibi Eden, launched a new Grievance Redressal Mechanism developed by KSWMP.
Vijayan noted that a clean state will reduce communicable diseases and promote tourism. The Left leader further said the aim was to make Kerala a model before the world in waste management by 2024. The ambitious project is being carried out by KSWMP in association with the World Bank and Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank.
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