The Kerala High Court on Tuesday partially modified its previous order, allowing the bursting of crackers in religious places during specific hours in accordance with earlier Supreme Court guidelines. A division bench led by Chief Justice Ashish J Desai stated that District Collectors have the authority to grant permission based on the circumstances. Additionally, the court has stayed the order to conduct raids at religious sites and seize illegally stored fireworks. The division bench considered appeals from various stakeholders, including the state government. On November 3, Justice Amit Rawal had prohibited the use of fireworks in religious locations at unconventional hours, reasoning that no religious scriptures command the use of fireworks to appease God. The state government informed the court that there was already a restriction on bursting fireworks from 10 PM to 6 AM, with some exceptions for festivals. The court ruled that District Collectors have the discretion to grant permission after assessing the situation. Following the High Court’s order banning fireworks at irregular hours, the state government declared its intent to appeal the decision.
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