A tragic incident occurred in Muthalapozhi, Kerala’s Thiruvananthapuram, where a fisherman lost his life after the fishing vessel he was on capsized. The victim, identified as Abraham from Attingal municipality, was returning to shore when the boat overturned in the Muthalapozhi harbour area. Of the four individuals aboard, three were rescued, but Abraham was rushed to a private hospital where he was pronounced dead. The two other survivors are currently receiving treatment and under medical observation.

The boat’s owner, Stany from Anchuthengu panchayat, is dealing with the aftermath of the incident. In a separate occurrence, another individual escaped by jumping into the sea during a similar boat capsizing.

Local authorities are investigating the cause of the accident and have advised fishermen to exercise caution when boating in rivers and backwaters. Since the start of 2024, the region has witnessed 11 fatalities from various accidents, including two unrelated patient deaths.