Dr Shahana, a 26-year-old doctor in Kerala, tragically took her own life after her boyfriend, Dr EA Ruwais, allegedly demanded dowry that her family couldn’t meet. In a suicide note, Shahana alleged that her boyfriend Dr EA Ruwais’s dowry demands abetted her to die by suicide. The note, recovered by the police, expressed the family’s inability to fulfill the demanded 150 gold sovereigns, 15 acres of land, and a BMW car. The accused’s family called off the wedding when Shahana’s family couldn’t meet the demands.
Quoting from the suicide note, the police stated that Shahana believed the accused intended to ruin her life by promising marriage. Jasim Nas, Shahana’s brother, mentioned efforts to negotiate with the accused’s family, who remained adamant on dowry. Despite being open to a registry marriage, Ruwais insisted on the dowry, causing emotional distress to Shahana.
The police have registered a case of abetment of suicide and charged Ruwais under the Dowry Prohibition Act. The accused, described as a “proponent of dowry,” has been remanded to 14 days of judicial custody. Ruwais, a prominent student leader, faces investigation by the Kerala Medical Post Graduates Association’s state committee and a probe ordered by State Health Minister Veena George.