The Kerala Police on Friday announced the filing of four FIRs and the arrest of six individuals for allegedly raping a teenage girl over two years in Pathanamthitta. The case reportedly involves over 60 suspects.

According to police, the victim, who recently turned 18, alleged she had been repeatedly assaulted since she was 16. The issue came to light during a Child Welfare Committee (CWC) counselling session, following concerns raised by her teachers about significant changes in her behavior, as reported by PTI.

Coaches and Classmates Among Suspects

The victim, identified as a sportsperson, disclosed that the abuse occurred at multiple locations, including sports camps in Pathanamthitta. The alleged perpetrators include coaches, classmates, and local residents, according to a report by The Times of India.

Pathanamthitta Child Welfare Committee Chairman Rajeev N stated that the girl revealed details of the abuse during a school counselling session. The counsellors contacted the CWC, leading to the registration of a police case.

The victim reportedly saved the phone numbers of around 40 alleged abusers on her father’s mobile phone, as she did not own a personal device, police said.

Verification and Investigation

The CWC facilitated additional counselling with a psychologist to verify the credibility of the accusations. Once the severity and scope of the case were established, the police were informed.

Police confirmed that five individuals were arrested under two FIRs, while a sixth person, already in jail for a separate case, was also linked to the incident.

The cases have been registered under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act and other relevant sections of the Indian Penal Code across various police stations in Pathanamthitta.

Further investigations are ongoing to identify and apprehend all those involved.