In a shocking incident on Thursday, a 12-member gang executed a brazen highway robbery near Peechi in Kerala, where they kidnapped two individuals and made off with over 2.5 kilograms of gold ornaments valued at ₹1.84 crore. The incident was captured on a dashcam and has since gone viral on social media, raising concerns about safety on the state’s highways.
According to police officials, the robbery took place when the gang, traveling in multiple SUVs, cornered a car on a national highway. As the vehicle approached a section of the flyover under construction, the gang swiftly boxed it in, forcibly removing two men identified as Arun Sunny and Rojy Thomas from the car. The FIR, filed on September 22, details that the victims were initially assaulted before the gang stole their jewellery. After the robbery, the two men were later released unharmed.
Authorities are treating this incident with urgency, as a Special Investigation Team (SIT) has been established to probe the case further. In a separate but related case, police reported another robbery in Thrissur, where a five-member gang used a gas cutter to steal ₹65 lakh in cash from three ATMs. To evade detection, the criminals painted over CCTV cameras, but surveillance footage from a nearby hotel captured images of the masked suspects fleeing the scene.
As the investigations unfold, police are urging the public to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activity, highlighting the need for enhanced security measures on highways and in public spaces across the region.
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