Arvind Kejriwal, the leader of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP), wrote a letter to Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) chief Mohan Bhagwat on Wednesday, accusing the BJP of undermining democracy and indulging in corrupt practices. In his letter, Kejriwal questioned whether the RSS supports the BJP’s alleged actions, including vote-buying and efforts to cut the votes of marginalized groups, such as the poor, Dalits, and slum dwellers, in Delhi. He also asked Bhagwat if the RSS was endorsing such actions ahead of the Delhi Assembly elections.
Kejriwal’s letter included specific allegations that BJP leaders had been distributing money to buy votes and manipulating voter lists to disadvantage certain groups. He asked Bhagwat to clarify the RSS’s stance on these issues, stating that it was crucial for the people of Delhi to understand whether the RSS condoned such actions.
In a swift response, the BJP criticized Kejriwal, with Delhi BJP chief Virendra Sachdeva advising the AAP leader to stop lying and making false promises. Sachdeva suggested that Kejriwal should focus on truthfulness and refrain from taking false oaths. He also called on Kejriwal to pledge that he would not accept donations from anti-national forces and make genuine promises to the people of Delhi in the New Year.
The exchange marks an intensifying political battle between AAP and BJP as Delhi’s Assembly elections draw closer, expected to be held before February. Both parties have been trading accusations, with AAP accusing the BJP of vote-buying and voter manipulation, while the BJP retaliates by alleging corruption and false promises by Kejriwal.