Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and Aam Aadmi Party’s Rajya Sabha member Sanjay Singh have not yet received the summons issued to them by a Gujarat court to appear before it on Tuesday in a criminal defamation case, state AAP’s legal cell head said on Monday.
A metropolitan court here on April 15 summoned Kejriwal and Singh to appear before it on May 23 in a criminal defamation complaint filed by the Gujarat University’s registrar.
“We have learnt through media reports that summons was issued by the court, but neither Arvindji nor Sanjay Singh has received them in Delhi yet. They will appear before the court only after receiving the summons,” Gujarat AAP’s legal cell president Pranav Thakkar said.
The court of additional chief metropolitan magistrate Jayesh Chovatiya had issued summons to the senior leaders in a criminal defamation complaint for their “sarcastic” and “derogatory” statements against the Gujarat University over Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s academic degree.
The court summoned the two leaders after observing that prima facie, there appeared to be a case against them under section 500 (defamation) of the Indian Penal Code. Gujarat University registrar Piyush Patel filed a defamation case against Kejriwal and Singh over their comments after the Gujarat High Court set aside the Chief Information Commissioner’s order asking the varsity to provide information on PM Modi’s degre