Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has forwarded the report from the Vigilance Minister, Atishi, alleging ‘prima facie complicity’ of Chief Secretary Naresh Kumar in the Bamnoli land acquisition matter to Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena, according to government sources on Wednesday.”
The report, submitted by Vigilance Minister Atishi to Kejriwal on Tuesday, recommends the removal of Kumar from his post due to alleged corruption in the acquisition of 19 acres of land in south-west Delhi’s Bamnoli village.
Kejriwal has directed the vigilance minister to send the report to both the Central Bureau of Investigation and the Enforcement Directorate, according to sources. The report contends that the compensation for land acquisition was escalated from Rs 41 crore to Rs 353 crore, with the claimed “scale of undue benefits” in the deal exceeding Rs 897 crore.
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