Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) chief Arvind Kejriwal launched the ‘Rewrii Par Charcha’ campaign on Friday, aiming to highlight the party’s welfare initiatives ahead of the Delhi Assembly elections scheduled for February next year. The campaign’s name references the Bharatiya Janata Party’s (BJP) criticism of AAP’s free services, termed “revdis” (freebies).
Kejriwal announced that AAP’s district and booth-level office bearers will conduct 65,000 meetings to engage voters and distribute pamphlets detailing the free facilities provided by the AAP government. These services include free electricity, water, education, treatment at mohalla clinics, bus travel for women, a pilgrimage scheme for the elderly, and a monthly ₹1,000 assistance for women.
Addressing the BJP‘s critique, Kejriwal stated, “The BJP is in power in 20 states and not even in a single state do they provide any of these free ‘revdis’. This is because they don’t have the intention. Only AAP knows how to provide these facilities.” He further accused the BJP of obstructing his government’s initiatives.
Kejriwal also criticized Union Ministers Amit Shah and Hardeep Puri for allegedly making false promises to the Purvanchali community during the last elections. He claimed, “They promised proper registrations for unauthorised colonies but haven’t completed even one in five years. In contrast, we’ve given dignity to the lives of Purvanchal residents.”
In preparation for the upcoming elections, AAP has announced 11 candidates:
Notably, six of these candidates are former members of the BJP and Congress.
This announcement follows the recent defection of former Delhi Transport Minister Kailash Gahlot to the BJP. Gahlot joined the BJP in the presence of Union Ministers M.L. Khattar and Harsh Malhotra, with Khattar describing the induction as a “turning point,” especially ahead of the February elections.
The renowned filmmaker passed away at the age of 78.
Born in Lincolnshire in 1929, Plowright made her stage debut in 1954.
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David Lynch passed away at 78 on January 16.