Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has taken aim at Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent assertion of being “sent by God,” urging the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) to clarify their stance on this statement. Kejriwal’s remarks follow PM Modi’s interview where he claimed divine endorsement for his role.

In an interview with ANI, Kejriwal expressed public frustration with the BJP government, citing concerns about inflation, unemployment, and the lack of relief measures. He criticized PM Modi for using derogatory language instead of addressing these pressing issues.

Kejriwal highlighted instances where PM Modi made controversial statements during his speeches, such as threatening to take away people’s belongings if they don’t vote for his party and making disparaging remarks about political opponents.

The AAP leader questioned whether people were willing to accept PM Modi as a deity, contrasting this notion with traditional beliefs in figures like Lord Ram, Lord Krishna, Lord Shiva, and Waheguru. He called on the RSS to clarify their position on whether they endorse the idea of PM Modi being seen as a divine figure.

Meanwhile, Kejriwal, who faces legal issues related to the Delhi excise policy, has been granted interim bail until June 1 by the Supreme Court. The AAP is actively participating in the ongoing Lok Sabha elections, contesting 22 seats, including the recent voting in Delhi. Voting for Punjab’s remaining 13 Lok Sabha seats is scheduled for June 1, with the results to be announced on June 4.