Delhi Minister Atishi accused the BJP of harassing Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, who returned to Tihar jail after his interim bail ended. She stated that Kejriwal was arrested in a fabricated case by the BJP, and despite surrendering, he continues to face harassment. Kejriwal has allegedly been denied basic amenities like a cooler, even as temperatures soar to extreme levels in Delhi.
During a briefing, Atishi highlighted the absence of a cooler for Kejriwal amidst the scorching heat, questioning the BJP and the LG sahab’s actions. She emphasized that even notorious criminals in Tihar Jail are provided with coolers, while the popular CM of Delhi is deprived of one.
Responding to Atishi’s allegations, a senior Tihar jail official clarified that coolers are provided based on medical requirements and court orders. Atishi further alleged discrepancies in Kejriwal’s weight measurements during his medical examination, suggesting manipulation by Tihar officials.
She claimed that Kejriwal’s weight significantly dropped since his arrest, yet the ED opposed his bail for medical tests. Additionally, Atishi cited different weight readings obtained from various machines during Kejriwal’s examination on Sunday.
The Tihar jail administration responded, stating that Kejriwal’s weight upon release was 64 kg, measured using the same machine as on Sunday. They affirmed that Kejriwal’s health is being monitored closely, with regular medical checks and insulin administration.
Despite the situation, Kejriwal managed to speak to his wife over the phone on Monday evening, according to the Tihar jail officer.
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