On August 7, the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) announced that Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has requested the Delhi Lieutenant Governor to allow Education Minister Atishi to hoist the national flag in his place on Independence Day. Delhi Environment Minister Gopal Rai confirmed that Kejriwal has asked Atishi to perform this duty.
Atishi, who recently broke down during the inauguration of the Sarvodaya Co-Ed School in Nasirpur, Dwarka, was selected to hoist the flag at the Chhatrasal Stadium event on August 15, 2024. Rai has also informed the General Administration Department (GAD) of this decision and requested the necessary arrangements be made.
Despite this, the LG office claimed it has not received any communication regarding the flag hoisting, according to a Raj Niwas official.
The BJP has criticized Kejriwal, suggesting that he should resign and appoint Atishi as the Chief Minister if he cannot perform the flag hoisting himself. They argue that this situation highlights the AAP’s purported disregard for rules and governance.
Currently, Kejriwal remains detained in Tihar Jail on charges related to the alleged Delhi excise policy scam, despite receiving interim bail from the Supreme Court in the ED case on July 12.
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